What’s new: Level up your CX with new features from GoTo Customer Engagement


GoTo Customer Engagement is back with new updates to share! Our product team has been listening to feedback and making this product solution more powerful for customer interactions and boosting productivity. Check out what’s new at GoTo.

Enable better team collaboration in the shared inbox
We heard you and now, it’s here. Within the shared inbox, you will be able to see a new drop down for ‘Assigned to Others’. When you move over to that area, you can see all the conversations your team members are working on. What’s more, you can also re-assign conversations to yourself! As an example, let’s say Claire called out sick today. You would be able to go into ‘Assigned to Others’ and find the conversations Claire was working on. From there, you can assign the conversation to yourself so the customer will have contact even while Claire is out. When you assign to yourself, Claire will receive a notification so that everyone is aware of the exchange. We’re providing increased visibility to improve your team collaboration and team productivity, so you’ll never miss a message when your colleagues are away.


“The easy to use admin center has made life easier every day. I have tried many other platforms but I always can convince someone that GoTo Connect is better and more efficient." GoTo Connect User review

Save time and prioritize better connections by automating SMS messages
Want to send your clients a new house listing message? Great! What’s not great? Doing it manually. That’s why we’ve built out automation templates so you can save time on repetitive communications while still creating a consistent customer experience. Our pre-set automations will include a welcome message to new customers, a thank you message for a group of customers, and more! Even better, you can create a custom automated workflow to meet your needs! You can create the new automated message in just a few steps by defining when it happens, what message is sent, who should receive it, and how often the message is sent to the same contact. What do you plan to do with all that newly freed up time?



"GoTo is a great way to stay connected with prospects & clients while making your work life simpler." – Daniel A. - GoTo Connect User

Create richer, more engaging communication with MMS campaigns
MMS stands for multimedia messaging service and is how we send videos, pictures, GIFs and more. Remember that picture you sent of your dog ruining the couch? That was MMS. Now in GoTo Customer Engagement, you can share that picture of your dog in campaigns! Well… maybe not your dog. But perhaps a promotional image or video walkthrough! MMS campaigns are a clear winner when you want to provide visual context. It’s helpful to grab customers’ attention quickly when you send things like a new service announcement, coupons, discounts, or sales promotions. These types of visuals can work wonders to humanize your business too. Tap into your creativity with this new feature to add more value to your customer communications.


Stay on track with your conversations with new notifications
Have you ever wondered “Do I have a new message?” Well, don’t worry! We’ve updated our notification flow so all notifications in the inbox will have a ‘read’ or ‘unread’ state. Your inbox will continue to have the left rail that shows your shared inbox and private inbox. If you have any unread conversations or messages, you’ll see a notification next to the shared inbox and also next to the private inbox. The notification will go away once your message is read. You said something, so we did something about it!

Import contacts with ease
Rest assured your contacts are imported with this new update! With the import flow, we’ve added a progress bar to show you the real-time process of uploading contacts. We’ve also added in a validation bar to confirm that your contact import has been completed. You won’t have to worry about duplicating your efforts as you import!

“We can make quick adjustments, add/remove employees so no call is missed. The ability to track phone calls and listen to conversations regarding customer satisfaction is a godsend." – Timothy K, Digital Manager - Automotive

Manage all your licenses in a seamless experience.
What’s better than being able to manage your user licenses? Doing it all in one place! GoTo Customer Engagement licenses are now visible in your ‘Products’ dashboard within GoTo Admin. From this dashboard, you can assign licenses to your team members and manage your users through the bulk settings feature. When you assign a team member to your GoTo Customer Engagement product, they will receive an invite email to get started. Within the admin portal settings section, you can manage your GoTo Customer Engagement settings through the ‘Engage’ capability. You’ll be able to customize your campaign settings and user roles to optimize your team’s performance and achieve your needs.

Want to learn more about the latest updates from GoTo Customer Engagement? Watch our latest webinar where we will cover all these topics and more.

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