What’s new: More power with less switching in the latest GoTo Contact Center updates



Businesses are facing increasing demands with reduced headcount and sometimes reduced budgets as well. That’s why our new features for GoTo Contact Center are focused on advancements with AI and innovative customer communication tools to help you achieve more with ease. Below highlights only a few of the nearly 60 updates across the GoTo portfolio. Check them out!

Quickly understand customer sentiment and accelerate chat analysis
Looking to enhance the customer experience while improving call center productivity? With our AI chat analysis, you can understand customer emotion within chat interactions and drastically cut analysis time with AI-powered sentiment ratings and AI-generated chat summaries. You will be able to see how customer sentiment is trending across all the resolved conversations to zero in on problem areas and help get every customer interaction back on track. Reading entire conversations can take a while, but now chat summaries are immediately available to the supervisor to quickly understand the interaction. These capabilities will not only save you time, but also help you understand the customer experience.


“We can make quick adjustments, add/remove employees so no call is missed. The ability to track phone calls and listen to conversations regarding customer satisfaction is a godsend." – Timothy K, Digital Manager - Automotive

Offer better customer experiences with our Agent Softphone

Remember the days of toggling back and forth between browsers so you can manage your call and access contact information? Well, those days are no more! The release of our new Contact Center agent softphone expands on our initial softphone release in April. Within the new agent softphone experience, you will be able to search or create a new contact and link them to your current call. Once you have linked the correct contact, you can see their interaction history, take notes related to your current call, add tags with relevant dispositions, and even play back pre-recorded audio clips relevant to your call participant. All of this is readily available in the flexible sidecar so you can boost productivity by effortlessly accessing the information you need without disrupting your interaction.


“The easy to use admin center has made life easier every day. I have tried many other platforms but I always can convince someone that GoTo Connect is better and more efficient." GoTo Connect User review

Streamline customer conversations using SMS messages 

In our latest move to improve customer conversations, we have rolled out SMS call flow capabilities to add SMS messaging into your dial plan. This new option will help you connect with customers easier and faster, resulting in a better customer experience. To put this in context, let’s say you have a new location that is hard to navigate to. You’re constantly fielding calls about the address or where to find it. With this new feature, when someone calls in, you can set up the auto attendant to include an option to automatically send a SMS that will share the address. This will free up your phone line while serving up your customers with the information they need, quicker!

Group your customer contacts to make communication easier 
We’re in the business of making business communication easier. That’s why we’re bringing you the first phase of contact segmentation so you can group different audiences by any category to help you get the right message to the right people, at the right time. Say you want to create a group you communicate with daily or weekly. No problem! What if you want to label and group your VIPs? Easy peasy. To create groups, you can select contacts from your address book or assign them when importing contacts. From your contacts, you will be able to reference the various groups available and edit, rename, or delete the list. Similarly, you can easily add or delete a contact within a group as needed. Now easily organize and communicate with your customers by groups!


"GoTo is a great way to stay connected with prospects & clients while making your work life simpler." – Daniel A. - GoTo Connect User

Enable agents to import contacts with ease
Contact lists can be hard to keep up to date if key customer facing team members aren’t able to update multiple contacts at once. We’re introducing the ability for agents to import a CSV with up to 2000 shared contacts at a time. This will give your agents valuable time back as the streamlined import flow is done in 3 simple steps: prepare your file to upload, upload the file, and then map your file columns. You will be able to preview the import before the contacts are created. Gone are the days of uploading contacts one by one!

Enhancing our ring strategy reporting to deliver better agent statistics
We know how important it is to capture agent performance. It’s why we’ve revisited the ring all setting reporting. With this update, if your contact center is receiving 1000 calls through the ring all strategy, this setting will automatically ring all agents associated to the queue simultaneously. In the past, each agent would be shown as having “missed” a call that another agent answered. With this new update, the missed call statistic will only be applied if the call was not picked up by another agent. You can now use the ring all strategy without over-reporting missed calls.

Easily pinpoint and take action with the new wallboard alerts
Wallboards are even more useful with alerts for call activities. With the new wallboard alerts, you will see real-time warnings so you can improve the customer experience and operational efficiency. You’ll be able to set these alerts from an existing wallboard or a create a new one. From your selected wallboard, you can choose the agent group and the call activity table to enable alert limits for total hold time and total talk time. You will be able to customize alert thresholds, including with progressive alerts when the threshold is approached. As an example, let’s say you have set up an alert with the maximum hold time as three minutes. With the progressive alerting, the wallboard will turn yellow around minute two indicating a potential issue. You will be then able to jump in to help the agent and avoid triggering the alert at three minutes.

Bringing AI within reach for Contact Centers
Looking ahead to the next few months, we are unveiling a beta release of an AI-powered Contact Center solution to deliver on productivity and personalization for better customer service. Within this solution, you will be able to access topic and sentiment analysis, interaction summaries, and rescue conversations that require immediate attention. One of the notable features in this solution, supervisor recovery, will warn supervisors in real-time when a conversation has a negative sentiment. Thus, allowing the supervisor to jump into the call to boost the customer experience. All together, these features will allow you to drill down into trends, provide proactive insights and ultimately save time spent on quality assuranceInterested in being one of the first to try this, and other new features from GoTo Contact Center? Join our Ambassador program today! Stay tuned for more updates on our AI-powered innovation!

Want to learn more about the latest updates from GoTo Contact Center? Watch our latest webinar where we will cover all these topics and more. 

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