Success Story: Ultimate Kronos Group
Millions of people use UKG products day in and day out. So, it is essential that UKG has the latest and greatest technology that they can rely on to create a great customer experience. Before, UKG was using a combination of remote desktop to service customers, VPN (Virtual Private Network) and key fobs for basic security and they found that they needed to scale their security while supporting thousands of customers with a single solution. UKG looked to GoToAssist, not only because they would have one single tool to manage for their many customers but also because GoTo is a third-party vendor that expertly manages all aspects of security, ensuring that all standards and protocols are being met. UKG is reaping the benefits of the GoToAssist solution. It has helped them maintain a hands-on level of connection with customers during the pandemic, improve customer satisfaction, and increase the efficiency of their work.
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