Success Story: Integrated Partner Solutions


Founded in 2001, Integrated Partner Solutions, Inc. focuses on automating engineering processes with best-in-class applications. The company develops customer-specific process solutions using document management workflows, enabling customer environments to become efficient distributors of secured engineering data. Its focus on vertical solutions and application integrations promotes the distribution of a Single Source Of Truth (SSOT) by eliminating data reentry and unnecessary copies of files.

Founded in 2001, Integrated Partner Solutions, Inc. focuses on automating engineering processes with best-in-class applications. The company develops customer-specific process solutions using document management workflows, enabling customer environments to become efficient distributors of secured engineering data. Its focus on vertical solutions and application integrations promotes the distribution of a Single Source Of Truth (SSOT) by eliminating data reentry and unnecessary copies of files.

“GoTo Resolve is a critical tool in our tool belt and is vital for our business to be successful.”


-Gene Perry

Vice President, Integrated Partner Solutions

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