Hansen Software Corporation

Hansen Call Recording & Call Reports
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Integration Categories:

  • Integrations Platform,
  • Collaboration,
  • Sales & Marketing

Used With:


Hansen Software Corporation is a leading provider of call recording and call accounting products. Hansen Call Recording presents the unique opportunity to enjoy all of the functionality of call recording without sacrificing the efficiency and reporting capabilities of a state-of-the-art call accounting system. Hansen Call Reports is a state-of-the-art, easy-to-use, call accounting software that will improve your business’ productivity, save you time and increase revenue.

CDR and call recordings are offboarded from the GoToConnect, allowing for long-term storage (archival). Archived data can be searched, filtered, etc. to easily locate call recordings based on call details (e.g. called party number, date/time, etc.).

Packages are available for retaining call accounting data and audio recordings indefinitely from the GoToConnect platform.

Screenshots of the integration:

Screenshot showing different features of calls and call recording

Screenshot of the dashboard

Call Recording Player Screen

Multi Call Player


Station Detail Report


How To Install

Hansen Software uses the GoTo Connect API App to pull CDR and audio recordings. Our technicians will assist with installation.