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2024 Progress Report

Since publishing our Accessibility Plan in 2023 (the “Plan”), GoTo has made meaningful efforts to advance accessibility objectives, including those stated in the Plan. This Progress Report provides an overview of that progress by topic area followed by an update on GoTo’s consultation and feedback processes.

Progress by topic

  • Employment. To advance our commitments to simplify and decrease text in employee onboarding materials, GoTo has recently undertaken an initiative focused on updating and streamlining employee onboarding content. Additionally, as committed, we have updated our content for new employees to highlight the option to request accommodations when needed.
  • Built environment. In our Plan, we committed to ensure that new office space would be accessible. Although GoTo has not expanded its office footprint in the past year, we will maintain this focus on accessible offices in the future. Also, GoTo continues to give employees the option to work from home and provide stipends to help offset the cost of equipment or other employee work-from-home needs. Regarding our commitment to ask employees about unmet accessibility needs in their home or office work location, GoTo still plans to send a specific survey on this topic.
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). GoTo committed to confirm that its existing primary marketing pages have been designed to comply with WCAG 2.1 AA standards and has done so. GoTo has also adopted website creation and review processes designed to ensure future marketing pages also comply with these standards. With regard to our commitment to explore training materials for third-party email and messaging applications used by employees, GoTo has identified resources and notified employees where to find them and will continue to explore resources and means to increase awareness about them.
  • Communications other than ICT. GoTo committed to include manual captions in all GoTo Connect customer support videos added to our YouTube channel to improve their accuracy, and we have done so this past year. In addition, we have added manual captions to many of the most-viewed customer support videos that were published before the Plan. Finally, to advance our commitment to add captions to employee video resources, we have begun adding captions to employee-facing onboarding and other training videos.
  • Procurement of goods, services, and facilities. GoTo committed to evaluate how to further take accessibility into account in vendor review and selection processes, and this evaluation is still underway.
  • Design and delivery of programs and services. We committed to make our Chameleon design system compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA standards and to assess the degree of adoption of design system elements within our services. Formal measurement of both criteria is not yet complete, but Chameleon design system elements are substantially compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA standards and have been broadly incorporated within the GoTo Connect services. Also, regarding our commitment to complete VPAT documentation for GoTo Connect, we are in process of updating the most recent VPAT documents for our services to include many accessibility enhancements we have made to them.

Consultation details

Since publishing the Plan, we have sought input about our accessibility practices and features from employees and customers. This has included seeking input from internal Accessibility Champions and GoTo’s employee resource group for disabled or disability-aligned employees. GoTo also conducted an open “Test Fest” event in which employees were encouraged to test our services for accessibility and report their findings.

Feedback received and how it was considered

As required by law and to meet our customers, users, and employees where they are, GoTo makes various channels available for individuals to give feedback about GoTo’s accessibility, including as described in the Plan. Through these channels, GoTo has received valuable feedback about how it can improve the accessibility of its services. Specific feedback for the GoTo Connect services has included a need for improvements in tab navigation and zooming as well as screen reader labeling, and these will be addressed in coming quarters. Feedback from employees has been primarily personal (e.g., requesting accommodations) rather than structural and has been handled on a case-by-case basis.