Small Business Marketing With Printed Promotional Items


The Marketing Strategy of Printed Promotional Items

No matter your industry, you need to effectively advertise and market your small business to succeed. Lawyers, designers, bakers, brewers, and everyone in between must represent their brand in a positive way and get the word out. Luckily, there are some simple marketing strategies that any small business owner can implement to maximize the potential of their company. One of the oldest and most effective marketing technique is the free printed promotional items. These are the keychains, pens, and other items that people use every day. These simple gifts can have a significant impact on brand recognition, customer loyalty, and the overall success of a company.

Printed Items in a Digital World

Over the last 15 years, the marketing industry has shifted dramatically towards digital content like video. It is easy to understand why this shift has occurred: marketing and advertising generally mirror the society around them, and our entire world has become digital. The Internet, smartphones, and social media have completely changed the way humans interact, learn, and do business.

So is there any room for printed promotional items in a digital society?

Even though society has changed in some major ways, the human brain is still the same. Advertising should follow trends to some extent, but smart marketers know that there are many aspects of the field that will never change. One such aspect of marketing is the basic human reaction to receiving a gift.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Research shows that when someone is given a gift, the person often feels an instinctive need to give something back in return. Small business owners can use this basic psychological tendency to create business and achieve a positive response with a target audience. If your IT company gives a customer a USB thumb drive, the customer will have a subtle desire to give you more business or referrals in return.

video marketing strategy ebook

Additionally, if the thumb drive is used on a regular basis, the customer will have a constant reminder of your company. Whether it is a book, a business envelope, or free promotional pen, people still have a more meaningful reactions to physical items than anything they see on a screen. While the importance of digital marketing and an effective omni-channel marketing strategy should not be ignored, printed promotional items provide a simple, cost-effective marketing technique that small businesses should use.

Investing in Printed Marketing

If implemented properly, a marketing campaign focused on promotional gifts can be an effective form of marketing. Just provide a useful and creative item that a target consumer will use on a regular basis. By doing this, you’ll creates a type of contact that cannot be achieved with any other advertising method.

This article is by Royce Calvin from