GoTo Resolve vs ConnectWise

Looking for a fast, modern, easy-to-use alternative to ConnectWise? GoTo Resolve is your all-in-one solution for secure IT support. See how it compares.

Looking for the best ConnectWise alternative? Meet GoTo Resolve.
GoTo Resolve ConnectWise
Ease of use (no scripting knowledge required) Green checkmark. Red cross to indicate unavailability.
Streamlined all-in-one IT software, ideal for SMBs Green checkmark. Red cross to indicate unavailability.
Included camera share Green checkmark. Red cross to indicate unavailability.
Fast, lightweight architecture Green checkmark. Red cross to indicate unavailability.

Easy-to-use interface

ConnectWise Automate can take years to learn, and generally requires a dedicated person to manage. GoTo Resolve’s refreshingly simple drag-and-drop, no-code interface lets you run essential tasks without prior scripting knowledge.

Admin console view of GoTo Resolve's Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tool with ability to execute remote automation tasks.

Best-in-class security

ConnectWise made headlines in 2020 when a flaw in Automate resulted in a ransomware attack which affected over 20,000 customers. Between GoTo’s zero trust security architecture and spotless security reputation, rest assured that your customers’ data is safe.

Diagram of GoTo Resolve's zero trust security architecture with signature key

Why choosing ConnectWise might be unwise

It’s complicated

Connectwise Automate is known for its steep learning curve. Customers note the time investment to understand and maintain the tool “never seemed to finish.” Ramp-up time1 is not included in the initial term, which lengthens the contract period. GoTo Resolve makes it easy to complete essential RMM tasks, without scripting knowledge.

Visual of GoTo Resolve's remote execution feature options including Powershell Execution, File Download, and MSI Installation

It’s costly

With an RMM solution like Connectwise Automate, not only are you paying for the cost of the product, you’re paying for the extensive training required to get the most out of it – as well as the overhead of the dedicated employees you’ll need to manage the tool.

Man frustrated looking at laptop due to hidden costs from IT management software platform, ConnectWise

It’s dated

With Automate being nearly 20 years old, and ConnectWise lowering investment2 in favor of other products, customers describe the interface as “archaic”3 and the platform as “painfully slow.”4 GoTo Resolve’s best-in-class tools are constantly updated with the most current technology.

View of GoTo Resolve's user interface in the Remote Execution tool where users can add steps, select computers and review & run tasks
"GoTo Resolve allowed our small-but-mighty team of agents to provide a variety of support: from powerful proactive support like task automation to simple, fast remote control with ease."
Mark Darrah, Owner Nationwide IT Consultancy
"GoTo Resolve’s user- and agent-friendly remote support functionality is invaluable for our core support use cases, while the rapidly expanding endpoint management features give us many new avenues of support to offer our customers and grow our business."
Yaron Assabi, Founder Digital Solutions Group

See why IT pros pick GoTo Resolve

With so many amazing features, GoTo has become a favorite of IT pros across industries. Here’s just a glimpse of what GoTo Resolve offers:

Still searching for your ideal IT solution?

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