Webinar: How IT Leaders Navigate Uncertainty

As if supporting the complexity of flexible work on the heels of a global pandemic wasn’t enough, IT must now also tackle macro challenges like geopolitical instability, supply and energy disruptions, and significant economic uncertainty. How can you drive operational efficiency and maintain the essential connections that your SMB needs to keep work working?

In the webinar, The IT Leader’s Guide to Navigating Through an Age of Uncertainty, experts from GoTo, Frost & Sullivan, and the National Small Business Association discuss actionable insights on how to lead your business and IT teams strategically through uneasy times.

View our webinar on demand to learn:

  • How to reduce the burden on IT while keeping your teams and customers happy.
  • Ways to future-proof your business for the next great disruption.
  • A glimpse into GoTo’s experience supporting business and IT leaders as they set themselves up for success.

Our host and panelists:

  • Elka Popova, VP of Connected Work Research, Frost & Sullivan
  • Jamie Domenici, Chief Marketing Officer, GoTo
  • Todd McCracken, President, National Small Business Association

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