Success Story: Dixon Schwabl + Company (DS+CO)

LMI2156_GTC_Teams_Connector_Case_Study_BANNERS_Image_overlayed_1500x900-png When DS+CO’s contract was about to expire with their previous phone system, they realized their phone solution was incapable of adjusting to change. Their existing VoIP phones couldn't easily be taken home and so they sat on desks in the office. This setup was not only costing them money in unused equipment, but the experience was also disjointed and clunky for both internal employees and clients. The team discovered GoTo Connect and was thrilled to learn about its integration capabilities with Microsoft Teams, a solution they were already leveraging. They have already enjoyed the benefits of this holistic solution, including improved voice quality and enhanced customer experience and reliability.
Dixon Schwabl + Company (DS+CO) is a full-service marketing company with more than 100 clients nationally.

“Being the IT director, I generally get negative feedback. So, the fact that it’s quiet and I get positive feedback speaks volumes about GoTo Connect and Teams Connector.”


-Randy Zajonczkoski

Director of IT, Dixon Schwabl + Company

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