Success Story: Mainstay Underwriting

GoTo Connect - Mainstay Underwriting Case Study header of people in office

Mainstay Underwriting provides underwriting services to insurance solutions in various industries and have been looking to grow and outperform competitors by providing an exceptional platform for customer engagement. The company faced challenges with an antiquated and inflexible communications systems, hindering efficiency. 

VoIP solutions were explored, but they lacked flexibility and affordability. With opening a new office and implementing work-from-home flexible work arrangements, they needed a solution that would allow employees to stay connected between offices and remote working. Thanks to their Managed Service Provider, Mainstay was introduced to GoTo Connect which transformed their communications landscape.

Mainstay Underwriting has been providing underwriting services to insurance solutions in various industries from car dealerships, motor trades, unoccupied property to hail insurance for the past six years. With a mission to constantly grow, innovate, and outperform competitors, Mainstay aims to provide an exceptional platform for customer engagement.

“The GoTo representative I spoke with did a couple of demos, and when he told me the price, I asked, ‘Can we sign up today!?’ It was phenomenal!”


-Adam Dalton

Managing Director, Mainstay Underwriting

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